Megdönteni Hajnal Tímeát 2014


Dani is preparing for his upcoming wedding when he meets his childhood friend, Timi who is a famous model now. After a few drinks, they sleep together on their high school reunion without knowing that they are being filmed.

Tous les titres
  • HU: Megdönteni Hajnal Tímeát Megdönteni Hajnal Tímeát
  • RU: Что бы ни случилось с Тими Что бы ни случилось с Тими
  • RS: Sta se desilo sa Timi Sta se desilo sa Timi
  • US: The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty
  • HU: What Ever Happened to Timi What Ever Happened to Timi
  • HU: To lay Tímea Hajnal To lay Tímea Hajnal
Date de sortie 13 Feb 2014
Lien IMDb
